1. No item will be despatched until full payment has been made and received.
  2. Payments made at checkout via the stripe payment process is the preferred method.
  3. We will endeavour to despatch items within 5 working days, unless otherwise notified on the website.
  4. Items will be despatched via standard 2nd class post.
  5. The postage is for the UK only. we do not post outside of the united kingdom mainland.
  6. Preloved-Regalia will not take responsibility for items lost in the post. If requested and paid for, items can be despatched via recorded and registered post. Postage costs for items being despatched via this service will be quoted separately.
  7. The items will be described as best as possible and in accordance with the definitions given agreed by preloved-regalia and can be found below (see points: 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12).
  8. New – Never worn although they may not be in original wrapping.
  9. Excellent – Almost as New.
  10. Worn/Very Good – little wear and tear.
  11. Good – Reasonable wear and tear.
  12. Well Worn – Aged and Distressed condition but still functional.
  13. Items may be returned to preloved-regalia, but the purchaser must pay the return postage. In such cases, items must be returned by recorded post. Full payment will be refunded by Preloved-Regalia to the purchaser on receipt of the item in its as sold condition.
  14. Where appropriate, Preloved-Regalia reserves the right to sell items at a price other than advertised.
  15. Preloved-Regalia reserves the right not to sell items shown on the preloved-regalia website.
  16. Preloved-regalia staff are all volunteers and receive no payment for their services. All monies raised are passed directly to the LONDON FREEMASONS’ Charity.
  17. Donations of regalia for any Order and in any condition will be accepted, so please contact Preloved-Regalia via the contact form shown on: www.preloved-regalia.co.uk (contact us). You can also complete the form to find out how you can deliver/submit your masonic items you wish to donate.
  18. Preloved-regalia reserves the right to add, amend, change, and interpret these terms and conditions, as and when preloved-regalia considers it is necessary to do so.
  19. You may donate masonic regalia, masonic related books/literature, and masonic accessories.

if you would like access to preloved-regalia – privacy policy, terms and conditions, then you may wish to click here.